Fiat Ministries cultivates an authentic culture of discernment for young women by inspiring them to say yes to God's call.
“I believe that the greatest influence was the experience of journaling in adoration and having the sisters so available to talk about it and give their input.”
2016 retreatant, Wichita
“Thank you for not making the decision forceful, for the honesty, and for relating that both vocations are an act of love, a call, and a union with our Lord.”
2017 retreatant, Lincoln, Nebraska
“All of the discernment stories from the sisters helped me to know that I am not alone.”
2017 retreatant, Lincoln, Nebraska
“The Fiat Ministries Discernment Retreat is a beautiful opportunity to be with sisters, see the joy of a religious vocation, and be in an environment that is conducive to honest discernment and open-heartedness.”
2017 retreatant, Lincoln, Nebraska
“I love to see how the Spirit moves within each Fiat retreat.”
Religious sister, 2015 retreat
“This retreat will teach you the peace and beauty of what discernment is. It’s a weekend to let God gaze upon you and become the woman you were meant to be.”